Over this past March Break from Friday March 10 to Monday March 13th, eight members from the Teachers' Bargaining Unit attended OSSTF's Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly aka AMPA aka Provincial OSSTF's Annual General Meeting.
At this meeting delegates heard debate on a number of issues including OSSTF's Action Plan to Support Equity, Anti-Racism, and Anti-Oppression, OSSTF's Strategic Action Plan, and OSSTF's Budget. Delegates also voted in elections for the 2023-2025 Provincial Executive, which saw the re-election of OSSTF President, and current District 18 Provincial Executive Liaison, Karen Littlewood.

Thank you to our members who gave their time during their March Break to attend on behalf of the D18 TBU membership: Laura Beal, Erin Doupe, CJ Lopez, Tim Mathewson, Erin Mulcahey, Paul Rawlinson, Mason Reid and Amy Reinders. Also, special thanks to TBU member Nina Murray who served as the District 18 Suite Coordinator for the weekend.
Delegates for AMPA 2023 were elected at the TBU's AGM last spring. If you are interested in attending AMPA 2024 as a delegate please speak to a member of your TBU Executive or one of this year's delegates. Nominations to serve as a TBU delegate to AMPA 2024 are due April 19th, 2023 and should be sent to the the TBU AGM's Nominations Chair, Paul Rawlinson at paul.rawlinson@d18.osstf.ca.