OSSTF District 18
Teachers' Bargaining Unit
Information for
General OSSTF Links
OSSTF Student Achievement Awards
OSSTF Produced Publications
OSSTF Produced Curriculum Resources
OSSTF Political Action Resources
General OSSTF Links
OSSTF Members' Protected Space
OSSTF Update - Provincial OSSTF's digital newsletter for members
OSSTF Student Achievement Awards
The OSSTF Student Achievement Awards is a writing and creative arts competition, which is open to all public secondary school students in Ontario. The competition is meant to encourage the intellectual development of our students and an interest in society.
Each year, a new theme is determined by the Recognition and Promotion Sub-Committee of the Communications/Political Action Committee.
OSSTF/FEESO invites student writers and artists to submit creative work exploring each year’s theme. Judging will be held at the school, district, regional and provincial levels. Eight provincial winners will be awarded $1000 each in prizes and will be invited to our Annual General Meeting in March, where a video showcasing their work will be screened.
OSSTF Produced Publications
Controversial Literature, Book Bans and Selecting Resources: Consideration for Members
Human Rights - Everyone's Rights
Navigating My Human Rights Complaint
Labour On[the]Line - a compilation of online resources for learning about and teaching about the labour movement in Canada
Education Forum - OSSTF's quarterly magazine about educational issues
OSSTF Produced Curriculum Resources
OSSTF Political Action Resources
Here For Students - OSSTF's public engagement campaign
Strengthen Public Education - Rebuild Ontario - OSSTF's 2022 and Beyond Education Platform
OSSTF Submission to the Provincial Finance and Economic Affairs Committee Jan. 23, 2024