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Information for

NTIP Checklist

As a teacher completing your New Teacher Introduction Program (NTIP) you should be familiar with the process and your rights as you work to complete the program.
Here are a few things to be aware of:


You will need to complete NTIP if you fit the definition of “new teacher” - that you are new to teaching in a permanent position in Ontario, in either a full time or part time contract capacity.  If you are hired for long term occasional work only you do not currently meet the requirements for completing NTIP.

You will / should have attended orientation sessions at the board and school level which included either a presentation from your OSSTF leadership or information on your collective agreement and federation contact numbers.

You have been offered a choice of mentors or mentorship arrangements or at the very least a safe, non-judgmental exit procedure in case you are not happy with your mentorship arrangement.

It has been made clear to you that your mentor will not be involved in evaluating you in any way. A successful mentorship must be based on trust and confidentiality.

You (in consultation with your mentor) have filled out the NTIP Strategy Form, being sure to cover only one or two key areas to focus on this year. Remember that the strategies are meant to be your own, not those laid out by other individuals.  Sample forms can be found here.

The contents of the NTIP Strategy Form should not be a topic of discussion at any meeting related to the performance appraisal.

Time release is provided for you for NTIP activities such as meetings with your mentor, planned visits to other classrooms, PD sessions for new teachers etc.

The principal or vice-principal has met with you in advance of a performance appraisal to explain the 8 competencies that may be evaluated, the rubric and ratings to be used, and what the evaluator will be looking for to measure each competency. You should take detailed notes of what the principal/vice principal said they would be looking for.

A firm date for the classroom observation was set in advance so that you could prepare.

Your summative report was based on the competencies and the classroom observation, not on impressions the principal may have gained during an unannounced walk through visit to your classroom, or on vague or unsubstantiated complaints from students or parents that you have not been made aware of.

If your rating was “Development Needed” (or “Unsatisfactory” on a second evaluation), the reasons for the rating, the actions you need to take, and what time, assistance and resources will be provided to ensure your success should all be clearly explained to you. If you receive one of these ratings, inform the Teachers' Bargaining Unit President.

Do not hesitate to ask your OSSTF branch president if you are concerned about any aspect of your performance appraisal or your induction program. Your federation is there to protect your rights and help you succeed.

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