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Information for


Sooner or later the time will arrive when you are going to retire.  Perhaps you are a planner and would like to have your retirement options laid out well in advance?  If either of these scenarios sound like you, we would encourage you to attend a local retirement workshop hosted by OSSTF and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP).  These workshops can be very enlightening and will help you make a plan before you need a plan.  Our annual Retirement Workshop is typically held in November, so keep a lookout for upcoming retirement workshops, which will be advertised via our TBU Bi-Weekly communication and through our Branch Presidents.


If you need more immediate information, you can always go online to the OTPP web site. There you will find your personal record of contributions, as well as a ‘pension calculator’ which you can use to calculate a wide number of different retirement scenarios. You will need to get a login first, but it is well worth the trouble.


OSSTF Pension Information Link

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP)

Link to Retirement Letter Template PDF

Link to Retirement Letter Template Word


Once your are eligible for retirement (meaning you are eligible for your 60% reduced pension OR you are turning 65 years old in 110 working days) you can terminate your LTD payments. If are not eligible for your 60% unreduced pension or turning 65, you can still cancel LTD if you have submitted a notice of retirement to the Employer AND you are retiring in the next 110 working days.  Remember, should you become too ill or injured to work, you have a 120 day short term leave and disability plan you can access. To cancel LTD, please follow the instructions outlined below.  


Instructions to Terminate OSSTF Long Term Disability Plan

Application for Coverage Termination OSSTF Provincial Long Term Disability Plan


Please use our Retirement Flowchart (below) to make sure you have everything ready for the big day.  For Additional Retirement Information contact: Erin Doupe (TBU Benefits Officer) 


Click Image to View Roadmap to Retirement

Road Map to Retirement.png
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