OSSTF District 18
Teachers' Bargaining Unit
Your Collective Agreement
Leaves and Absences
Details of the description and parameters for each of the following can be found in Article L10 and L11 of the TBU Collective Agreement, UAD Guidelines, or Board Policy 411.
Please note that all absences and leaves must be approved by the employer, including short-notice absences that may require approval after the absence has occurred.
If you require a part day absence please click here to review the proper process for entering a part day absence into SmartFind.
Board Policy 411 includes absences related to Attending Funerals, Legal Commitments, Post-Secondary Graduation Exercises (1 day), Examinations (0.5 to 2 days), External Educational Committees, Personal (1 day), Religious Holy Days, Inclement Weather, and Absences with Loss of Salary and Benefits (L10.01).
The request form for Policy 411 Absence can be found in UGSupport within the People, Leadership & Culture section.
*please note that not all options provided for absences on the Policy 411 form are applicable to TBU Members
1 Personal Day (L10.02)
For reasons other than illness. May not be used to extend existing holidays. Not the same as the personal day in board policy 411.
1 Indigenous Teacher's Personal Day (L10.03)
Indigenous teachers may use existing short term paid leave as provided under Board Policy 411 Personal day for the following:
a) to vote in elections as indicated by self-governing Indigenous authority where the employee's working hours do not otherwise provide three hours free from work and/or
b) for attendance at Indigenous cultural/ceremonial events
1 Moving Day (L10.04)
For moving to a new place of primary residence.
1 to 5 Bereavement Days (L10.05)
For death of parent, child, spouse/partner, grandchild, sibling and miscellaneous personal bereavement.
2 Family Responsibility Days (L10.06)
To attend to family emergencies that require their urgent personal attention.
2 Birth/Adoption Days (L10.07)
For a teacher who is not eligible for pregnancy leave absences occurring at the time of the birth or adoption of their child.
1 to 11, plus 120 Illness/Sick Days (L10.08, C9.00)
Full-time employees (permanent or long term) are allocated 11 days at 100% and 120 days at 90% with the ability to carry over unused 100% days to top-up the 90% days in the following year. Each carry over day can top up 10 90% days.
Please contact Erin Doupe, Benefits Officer at erin.doupe@d18.osstf.ca for information regarding sick leaves.
1 to 5 Unpaid Absence Days (UAD)
UAD will not normally include the one week period following the start of each semester, PA days, the week prior to the start of exams and during the exam period, or the weeks surrounding March break. Guidelines and request forms are available on UGSupport.
Special Leave (L11.02)
(HR001 form - or available in school office as a triplicate form)
A teacher taking a full semester leave will receive 50% of his/her annual salary while teaching and 10% of his/her annual salary on the 25th day of the first month of the leave.
Applications for this type of leave are due no later than March 31st of the preceding year.
Fixed Term Leave (L11.03)
(HR001 form - or available in school office as a triplicate form)
Leave without pay may be granted by the Board to a teacher who wishes to teach for only one (1) semester in a school year, or to a teacher who wishes to teach on a part-time timetable for a full academic year, or some combination of these, or to a teacher who wishes to take a leave of absence for one (1) full academic year.
Applications are due by March 15th for the following September, and are due by November 1st for a leave commencing the following February.
Pregnancy / Maternity / Parental Leave (L11.04, C8.00)
(HR001 form - or available in school office as a triplicate form)
Please visit this page for more information about this type of leave.
Please contact Amy Reinders, First Vice-President, for information regarding Maternity / Parental leaves at amy.reinders@d18.osstf.ca
Extended Parental Leave (L11.04.02)
(HR001 form - or available in school office as a triplicate form)
Please visit this page​ for more information about this type of leave.
Applications are due 4 weeks prior to the end of the Statutory Parental Leave.
Please contact Amy Reinders, First Vice-President, for information regarding Maternity / Parental leaves at amy.reinders@d18.osstf.ca
Teacher Funded Leave (L11.05)
(HR005 form - please print, fill out and submit via the instructions at the bottom of the form)
In each year of the plan in which the teacher works the teacher agrees to be paid a pro-rated amount of their normal salary. The remaining percentage of salary shall be deposited into an account in the teacher’s name. Payment in the duration of the leave shall be paid out based on accrued funds plus remaining interest in bi-weekly installments.
For plans to commence at the start of Semester 1, applications are due no later than the March 15th prior.
For plans to commence at the start of Semester 2, applications are due no later than the October 15th prior.
Compassionate Care/Family Medical Leave/Critically Ill Child Care Leave
(L11.07, C8.00)
(HR001 form - or available in school office as a triplicate form)
“Compassionate Care Leave” means an unpaid leave taken for the purposes of caring for or supporting a family member who has a serious medical condition with a significant risk of death within twenty-six (26) weeks. A compassionate Care Leave may be taken for up to eight (8) weeks. SEB and top-up are available for members who are eligible for the EI benefit.