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Information for 

Annual General Meeting 

The TBU Constitution creates the specific timeline that must be followed based on the date of the AGM. If new information becomes available that impacts the date of the AGM, the membership will be updated.



The TBU AGM 2022 is going Virtual.


TBU AGM 2022 Motions 



The Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (TBU) Executive would like you to become involved in the upcoming TBU Annual General Meeting to be held:

  • Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

  • Elora Racetrack, The Grandway Building, 7445 Wellington County Road 21, Elora

  • Dinner for Delegates at 4:30 pm

  • Business Meeting, Open to all Members at 5:00 pm



Interested in becoming a Delegate at the TBU Annual General Meeting?
Delegates will be responsible for:

  1. Electing the TBU President, TBU Treasurer, TBU Communications Officer, TBU AMPA Delegates, TBU District 18 Delegates.

  2. Setting the TBU Levy

  3. Receiving reports of Officers

  4. Passing Constitutional amendments


Please see your Branch President on how to become a Delegate or email with any questions or clarification.

Interested in running for an elected position on the TBU Executive at the Annual General Meeting?
In accordance with the TBU Constitution, members running for office must be nominated by two other members and those nominations must be received by the Nomination Committee Chairperson at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. Nominees must be available at the Annual General Meeting to answer any questions from those members in attendance.
Nominations must be received by the Nomination Committee chairperson, Amy Reinders ( by Thursday, April 14th, 2022 @ 5:00 pm.
Nominees are encouraged to review the TBU OSSTF District 18 Campaign Procedures which can be found at the end of this document.
For any questions or clarification on running for an elected position please email

Interested in proposing a Constitutional or By-Law Amendment?
Members proposing Constitution or By-Law amendments with notice must submit motions to the Parliamentary Chairperson,  by Friday, April 8th, 2022.
Amendments received without notice will require a nine-tenths vote for the adoption of a constitutional amendment and a three-quarters vote for the adoption of a By-Law amendment.
For any questions or clarification on proposing an amendment please email




OSSTF District 18 Campaign Procedures - May 2022 Elections

In accordance with TBU District 18 Constitution, members running for office must be nominated by 2 other members and those nominations must be received by the Nominations Committee Chairperson at least 2 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.  The Nominations Chair will publish the names of all nominees in every worksite at least 1 week prior to the AGM.


Each member running for office may provide one page (8½ x 11) of campaign literature.  Literature could include:  Federation experience, credentials, and reasons why that person would be able to provide leadership on the Teachers' Bargaining Unit Executive.  Literature in hardcopy or PDF electronic form must be submitted to the office no later than 2 weeks prior to the AGM and will be emailed to the current personal distribution list of TBU members in one mailing only at the time of publication of nominees. Campaign literature will also be posted to the TBU website at this time only.


At the AGM, nominees will have the opportunity to address the General Assembly.  The length of the speeches shall be no more than the following:


TBU President                                    5 minutes

TBU Treasurer                                    3 minutes

TBU Communications Officer             3 minutes

AMPA Delegate                                  2 minutes


Campaign material may not be distributed at the AGM.

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